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Organizing the Pantry

I was looking into my pantry, and I could not believe how unorganized it was. I had spices that was a year old. Cereal that was two months past the expiration date and cans of vegetables that; well, I will not tell you how old. You get the point.
So, I first started throwing everything that was old in the trash. I then wrote down what I needed to buy to get this panty in order.
What I came up with was that I needed some baskets, a spice rack, storage containers and something that will keep my foil, sandwich bags, and plastic wrap organized.
I first went to the Dollar Tree to see what I can use there. I found these colorful baskets and on large white basket. I also found these two clear small narrow containers.
I got the spice rack, food storage container, and the wrap organizer rack from Amazon. The spice rack was about $19, the food containers were $30, and the wrap organizer rack was $13
I am glad of the outcome. It is organized, and I can easily find everything. I didn’t have to break the bank to get organized.