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Pumpkin Hack

I painted this pumpkin white.

I got these beads from the Dollar Store. Two bags will work for this project.

I hot glued the beads to the pumpkin around the edge and in the middle of the pumpkin.

Next, I covered the stem with twine and added a ribbon.

I decided to paint this pumpkin white as well because the fabric was thin, and it looked better with the white showing through the fabric instead of the dark board showing through the fabric.

This floral fabric and the two different ribbons are what I decided to use on this pumpkin.

Next, I sprayed the pumpkin with fabric spray and laid the fabric on the pumpkin. You want to make sure you stretch out the wrinkles as you lay out the fabric.

I added the ribbons and a small flower at the base of the stem.

Here is the finish product. These two projects were so easy you can even get your kids involved.
